Migrants arriving by small boat will be BANNED from claiming asylum or using human rights law to stop removal

MIGRANTS arriving by small boat from TOMORROW will be banned from claiming ­asylum or using human rights law to stop their removal.

PM Rishi Sunak told The Sun that his new Illegal Migration Bill will “take back ­control of our borders, once and for all.”

Anyone who enters the UK illegally will be banned from claiming asylum, modern slavery or Human Rights Act breachesGettyMr Sunak appealed to Emmanuel Macron that this bill will help ease pressures on France as well as Britain[/caption]

It sets up a ferocious battle with the “Blob” of left-wing lawyers, immigration unions and civil servants.

The PM’s landmark borders bill will be applied retrospectively for all small boat arrivals — even though the new law could take months to pass.

If the Illegal Migration Bill is enacted, only under-18s and the genuinely sick will be allowed to apply for asylum in the UK.

All other arrivals will be deported home or to a safe third-country like Rwanda.

While they wait, holiday parks, student digs, military accommodation and even cruise ships will be used to house migrants instead of expensive four and five-star hotels.

The legislation, published after months of delay, will openly accept it risks breaching the Human Rights Act — teeing up a huge fight with Labour and pro-open borders activists and lawyers.

A little known “Section 19B Statement” will be attached to the law — in which ministers acknowledge they risk breaking commitments made under the European Convention of Human Rights and written into the British statue book.

This so-called “Strasbourg Brake” will allow specific parts of the Human Rights Act to be “dis­applied” when it comes to policing the UK’s borders.

Yesterday Mr Sunak appealed to Emmanuel Macron that this bill will help ease pressures on France as well as Britain — with a similar brake possible for European countries struggling with migration.

The PM told the French President fixing the Channel crisis means fewer migrants drifting across France on their way to Calais.

Elsewhere in the Bill, the Home Secretary will be handed a legal “duty to remove” anyone arriving in the country without permission.

And it will “radically curtail” arrivals’ ability to claim asylum, allege they have been trafficked or that their Human Rights are at risk of being abused.

It is hoped to speed up deportations to days and weeks rather than months and years.

A government source added: “The British people have had enough. This government is determined to stop the boats and ensure we have all the powers available to remove illegal migrants.

“The Prime Mi­nister and Home Secretary are resolved to this course of action, no ifs, no buts.

“This new duty to remove will ensure that the Home Secretary’s power to remove migrants takes precedence in law and ensures asylum, human rights and modern slavery claims are blocked.”


Arriving on small boats a criminal offence from TOMORROW
Ban on claiming asylum or using modern slavery rules or human rights abuses
Parts of Human Rights Act “disapplied” in the UK
Only under-18s and the very sick exempt are allowed to have case heard
All others will have no right to remain or come back into the country EVER
Migrants housed in student digs, holiday parks and cruise ships – NOT hotels
Home Secretary gets new legal duty to remove people as soon as possible
Migrants sent back to their home country or another safe country
More safe and legal routes for the genuinely needy

PAIf the Illegal Migration Bill is enacted, only under-18s and the genuinely sick will be allowed to apply for asylum in the UK[/caption]

GettyThe PM’s landmark borders bill will be applied retrospectively for all small boat arrivals[/caption]

Nearly 3,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel already this year.

Forty were picked up by the Border Force on Sunday.

The new laws will include tightly-drafted rules to close loopholes to stop migrants being able to stay in the UK forever.

And loopholes in the Modern Slavery Act will be tightened so that caseworkers have to see sig­nificant proof of trafficking before it is claimed.

Science Secretary Michelle Donelan said the Government is “getting a grip” on illegal migration but also promised more “safe routes” for asylum seekers to enter the UK would be set up.

Lucy Moreton, of the Immigration Services Union, said the threat of a crackdown could lead to an increase in the number of people risking the crossing.

Downing Street said rising numbers of crossings meant “there is no time to waste” on implementing the plans.

‘Taking back control of our borders’

By Rishi Sunak

THE UK has a proud history of welcoming those most in need — with thousands opening their homes to Ukrainian refugees in the last year and providing help to those fleeing from persecution in Hong Kong.

But those arriving on small boats aren’t directly fleeing a war-torn country or facing an imminent threat to life.

Instead, they have travelled through safe, European countries before crossing the Channel.

The fact that they can do so is unfair on those who come here legally and enough is enough.

In January, I made it one of my five promises to the country to stop the boats — and today we are bringing forward new laws to do so.

I know Sun readers have heard promises before. Previous bills have made a start on gripping this problem, but what we are announcing today takes that work forward.

It will mean that those who come here on small boats can’t claim asylum here.

This new law will send a clear signal that if you come to this country illegally, you will be swiftly removed.

That’s the right and fair thing to do, especially for those who are being exploited by criminal gangs and putting their lives at risk to come here. Unlike Labour who have voted against taking action on this issue, this ­government has a plan to break the business model of people ­smugglers.

A plan to do what’s fair for those at home and those who have a legitimate claim to asylum — a plan to take back control of our borders once and for all.

What is Labour’s plan?

Not only do they have no plan to stop the boats, they don’t want to either.