I’m an air fryer queen and invented lasagne nachos – yes, they’re as good as they sound

AN air fryer pro has shared their easy recipe to make lasagne nachos – and everyone can’t get enough. 

The foodies at Planet Food said they’d invented the tasty Italian Mexican crossover that uses lasagne sheets and is oozing with cheese.

Tik TokThe lasagne nachos look as good as they sound[/caption]

They can be made quickly with the air fryerTik Tok

The company posted the dish on their TikTok account, which can be found at @thisisplanetfood, sharing the step-by-step guide of how you can make it too.

And their 740.7k followers were thrilled to see that it doesn’t involve lots of prep or take hours.

Instead, the recipe is fuss free and perfect for those looking for something different to make in their trusty air fryer. 

The first step is to make the lasagne sheets into the usual crisps that make up the base of nachos. 

They revealed: “Cut four fresh lasagne sheets into strips.

“Add lasagne chips to a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and 1 tbsp each of basil and oregano, 1 tbsp garlic granules and salt to taste.

“Mix and add to an air fryer – cook at 190 degrees celsius for 7 minutes until lightly brown and a little puffed up.”

Once the “chips” are made, it’s time to turn your attention to the filling, which is just a usual bolognese mix that can be prepped before and then heated up thoroughly. 

After it’s piping hot, it’s time to build the culinary creation guaranteed to make mouths water.

Planet Food continued: “Add the ‘chips’ to a small lasagne dish and then add bolognese, blobs of white sauce and mozzarella cheese.

“Bake until the cheese is melted (5 mins in an air fryer at 190 degrees, or in a grill oven for 3 mins).

“Sprinkle it with fresh parsley to serve.”

They also filmed a tutorial, which showed the final result with stringy cheese and lashings of bolognese.

And fellow social media users couldn’t get enough of the idea, as the video has 30.5k likes and counting.

Lots of people were also keen to comment, as they said they couldn’t believe their eyes.

One wrote: “OMG”, as another added: “Wow!”

Meanwhile, a second said: “Super awesome!”

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Tik TokAnd the finished result tastes amazing[/caption]