Workers ‘give away’ 56 hours a year working through their lunch breaks

WORKERS are “giving away” 56 hours a year by working though their lunch breaks – according to a recent survey.

A poll of 2,000 employed adults found they only take a full lunch break just 11 out of their 20 working days a month.

SWNSThe study also found that workers ‘uninspired’ approach to lunch breaks is reflected in what they eat[/caption]

And even when those polled to manage to take a break, 58 per cent admitted they wished they had made better use of it.

The survey found that employees will work their entire shift without a break four days a month, and will take less than their allocated time six times a month – typically for 13 minutes each occasion.

With the average allocated break time among those polled being 36 minutes, this means they are effectively giving away 56 hours a year.

Almost half (46 per cent) described this period of their working day as boring, leaving half wanting to use the break to better themselves and possibly learn a new skill.

The study also found workers’ uninspired approach to lunch breaks isn’t limited to what they do or don’t do during this period of the day.

It’s reflected in what they eat too, with just four per cent going out their way to avoid eating the same lunches on repeat.

It also emerged even when they take a ‘break’, those polled spend 23 per cent of allotted time doing work-related tasks.

Top reasons for taking short lunch breaks or no lunch break at all are due to feeling overwhelmed with work (48 per cent), tight deadlines (35 per cent) and an inclination to keep working and get things done (33 per cent).  

However, when they do get time to switch off for a while, many are seemingly at a loss at what to do with themselves, with 46 per cent lacking inspiration of what to do.

Although 38 per cent would like to do more walking during that time, 31 per cent would like to read books, and 21 per cent would like to meditate.

Others would like to learn a language (17 per cent or try creative writing (16 per cent).  

The study carried out through OnePoll also found during a typical working month of 20 days, those polled will bring their own homemade lunch into work 12 times.  

And the most popular food options are sandwiches (59 per cent), fruit (38 per cent) and salad (33 per cent).  

Nancy Galvin, brand manager for Philadelphia UK, said: “Coming up with new ideas for what to have for lunch isn’t easy.

“It might seem like there’s only a limited range of options available.”

As a result of the poll, Philadelphia, which commissioned the research, has partnered with language learning app Babbel to offer 1,000 adults one month’s free access to any of its language courses.

Esteban Touma, Babbel Live Teacher, said: “Lunch breaks are a time for people to step out of their work roles, have something to eat and shift their focus.

“Bite sized language learning can be an excellent way to spend a lunch break; not only is it beneficial for a person’s mental health, it also provides some time for you to make progress on your language journey.”

Discussing Philadelphia’s drive to liven up lunch breaks, Nancy Galvin added: “We’re delighted to partner with Babbel, encouraging UK workers to make their lunchtimes simply better.”

SWNSThe survey found that employees will work their entire shift without a break four days a month[/caption]