Who is Dr. Gabor Maté? Prince Harry interviewer and trauma expert

PRINCE Harry was part of a live conversation which spoke about trauma and healing on Zoom.

The person he was talking to was renowned doctor and author, Gabor Mate. Here, we take a look at his career and what was said during the interview.

Gabor Mate diagnosed Prince Harry with Attention Deficit disorder during their interview in March 2023

Who is Dr. Gabor Maté?

 Gabor Mate is a Hungarian-Canadian physician and author.

He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development, trauma and potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health.

What is Dr. Gabor Mate famous for? 

He is a best-selling author, having published several books which cover aspects such as trauma.

His book on addiction, named In The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts, received the Hubert Evans Prize for literary non-fiction. 

He worked for over a decade in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side with patients challenged by drug addiction and mental illness. 

What type of doctor is Gabor Maté?

Maté emphasizes the role of biopsychosocial aspects of pathology, and the role of psychological trauma and stress.

He underlines the importance of relations and social attachment for learning and for health. His ideas are consistent with a trauma-informed care framework.

When did Dr. Gabor Maté interview Prince Harry?

Prince Harry was diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder by trauma expert Maté in a tell-all interview.

The interview was part of livestream event about trauma and healing on Saturday, March 4, 2023.

It cost viewers £17 to view the conversation, and came with Harry’s memoir, Spare, in hardback form.

Mate he came to the conclusion after reading Harry’s explosive book.

He told the Duke of Sussex: “Reading the book I diagnose you with ADD, I see it as a normal response to normal stress, not a disease.”

Harry told Dr Maté releasing his book made him feel “incredibly free”.

He said: “I certainly have felt throughout my life, felt slightly different to the rest of my family.

“When the book came out I felt incredibly free.”

Mate has released two books on ADD, including Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder, in 1999.