Vigilantes target barbers linked to ghoul who recorded police removing Nicola Bulley’s body from river

VIGILANTES have targeted a barber shop linked to the TikToker who recorded police removing Nicola Bulley’s body from a river.
Hairdresser Curtis Arnold, 34, made almost £1,000 in royalties by posting the footage.
FacebookCurtis Arnold filmed Nicola Bulley’s body being retrieved from the river[/caption]
The mum-of-two was discovered more than three weeks after she went missingPA
Grade One Barbers in Kidderminster, Worcs, has now been daubed with the word “N**CE!”
However, Mr Arnold says he no longer works there.
He added: “It’s not fair on the owner.”
Nicola, 45, was found dead in St Michael’s on Wyre, Lancs, after a three-week police hunt.
Mr Arnold faced a fierce backlash over his footage and has previously said he was assaulted and his car and workplace were targeted.
He added: “Safe to say I’ve learned my lesson.”
He also apologised and said he made a donation to Nicola’s family.