Survivor of horror crash called for help for two days next to three dead friends after cops failed to find wreckage

A FRANTIC mum searching for her daughter — unaware she was trapped in the wreckage of a fatal car crash — drove past the scene three times.

Anna Cerowicz said 20-year-old Sophie Russon was lying for 46 hours next to the bodies of three friends.

Social MediaAnna Cerowicz said Sophie Russon, 20, was lying for 46 hours next to the bodies of three friends[/caption]

Sophie was semi-conscious with a broken neck and spine, unable to use her phoneFacebookAthena AgencyThe scene where the pals’ VW Tiguan disappeared and the wreckage was found[/caption]

Three people were found dead and two were injured in the crash

Sophie was semi-conscious with a broken neck and spine, unable to use her phone.

Anna claimed police failed to respond when the pals did not return from a night out on Friday.

Up to 200 desperate relatives and friends decided to carry out their own hunt, but the pals’ white VW Tiguan was hidden by trees just 20 yards from a busy dual carriageway.

Sophie is fighting for life in hospital along with Shane Loughlin, 32.

Darcy Ross and Eve Smith, both 21, and Rafel Jeanne, 24, died in the smash in the early hours of Saturday.

Mum of three Anna said: “I drove past three times. Sophie was 20 yards away lying there scared, next to her friends who were dead.

“But I didn’t see her because of the trees and there was a dip.

“She was lying there wondering if help would ever arrive. She must have thought she was going to die.

“She was calling out at times but no one could hear her.

“It would have got light and then dark as night fell on Saturday, then she had to go through that again until she was found.”

Sophie was drifting in and out of consciousness with a bleed on the brain.

Anna said: “She had head injuries so she may not have really known what was going on — at least I hope she didn’t.”

Shane Loughlin, 32, survived the crash but is fighting for his life in hospitalMedia WalesWNSRafel Jeanne, 24, did not survive the incident[/caption]

Darcy Ross, 21, died in the smash in the early hours of SaturdayFacebookEve Smith, 21, also died in the tragic accidentAthena

The three girls had driven to the Maesglas sports and social club in Newport, South Wales, around 11pm on Friday and met up with Shane and Rafel.

A Snapchat photo from the night shows Rafel with an arm around Darcy.

The group left Eve’s white BMW hatchback to travel 36 miles in the VW to the Trecco Bay caravan park in Porthcawl, where Shane’s family have a caravan.

It was reported there was an altercation at the site and the group including another unnamed man drove off.

It is thought the group then dropped off the unnamed man in Cardiff and their car was last seen on CCTV in the city around 2am.

It is understood the £12,000 Tiguan belonged to Rafel, son of former Cardiff City and QPR footballer Leon Jeanne, though it was not known who was driving.

It crashed on the A48 at St Mellons between Cardiff and Newport.

Anna said she called Gwent Police 20 times over Saturday and Sunday, only to be told she was probably still partying.

Anna said: “I told them that wasn’t Sophie. She doesn’t go out on weekend benders.

“No one could reach her on her mobile on social media which she uses all the time.

“On Sunday and the police told me to stop ringing — they weren’t annoyed, just dismissive.”

Police finally escalated the inquiry, including launching a helicopter search.

At midnight Anna had a call from her older daughter Georgia, 23, saying the car had been found.

Anna said: “Sophie is having surgery. She is currently hooked up to tubes and I can’t talk to her.”

Eve’s mum Emma was yesterday too distraught to speak, but sister Sherridan Borg, 23, said in a statement: “I’ve cried, laughed and fought with you every week, but I’ve never been without you.

“We always said, ‘I got you always’, but now I’m sat here feeling so empty because you’re not here with me anymore.”

A woman at Darcy’s home said mum Clare was too upset to speak.

Meanwhile it emerged both men in the crash had drug convictions.

Dad of three Shane is nearing the end of a 12-month road ban for driving under the influence of cocaine.

Rafel had recently been released after being jailed for 4½ years for possessing cocaine and heroin with intent to supply.

Last month he posted on social media, celebrating his freedom with the word “Home”.

In 2019 Jeanne’s father Leon, previously jailed for a plot to supply cocaine, was convicted of dangerous driving following a 100mph police chase on the same road where his son was found.

A steady stream of friends of those involved in the tragedy were allowed through the police cordon to lay flowers close to the horror scene yesterday.

But a 47-year-old TV and film extra was arrested for breach of the peace after breaking through the cordon.

Last night Assistant Chief Constable Jason Davies, of South Wales Police, said: “Our thoughts are with the families of all those affected by this tragic incident.

“To ensure independent oversight, South Wales Police has referred the matter to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, as is usual in these circumstances.”

Trecco Bay Holiday Park was approached for comment.

Family of the missing friends shared this CCTV of the car before it was foundAthenaA stock picture of a VW Tiguan, similar to the one the five were travelling in[/caption]

WNSThe search for the group ended in tragedy after their car was found wrecked[/caption]

Family’s 2nd loss

THE family of Eve Smith have suffered a second road death tragedy — eight years after her sister was killed in a car crash.

Eve, 21, and two others died after the smash just off the A48 between Cardiff and Newport in the early hours of Saturday.

Her half sister Xana Doyle, 19, died of head injuries in 2015 when a friend stole a car to get to a party.

Eve, who was 13 at the time, wrote: “If my love alone could have saved her she never would have died.”

Eve’s family featured in a Sky TV documentary titled This Is Our Family, which aired in 2020, in which they had talked about Xana’s death.