Sex education from drag acts? And schools moan about Roald Dahl

HAVE your kids been lectured to at school about “queerness” by a “drag queen”? If not, it’s only a matter of time before they are.
Lucky lucky children, being taught a distorted view of women — and an even more distorted view of gender — in their own classrooms.
INSTAGRAM/DOLLY TROLLEYThere was fury at a London school last year when nine-year-old kids were subjected to a ‘workshop’ by drag artist ‘Dolly Trolley’[/caption]
And all this happening under a Conservative Government, remember.
It is reported that the parents hate it. This is another one of those revolting aspects of wokery which the general public simply doesn’t buy. But it is imposed, top down, by the dense progressives who run our education system.
A school on the Isle of Man suspended its sex education programme this week after complaints from mums and dads.
Eleven-year-old kids had reportedly been forced to listen to a drag queen telling them, absurdly, that there were “73 genders”.
It is said when one sharp kid pointed out, correctly, that there were actually only two, the drag queen reportedly sent him out of the class. Give that child a medal.
The school’s idiotic head teacher now says they will be reviewing their programme.
Parents said that the performance was “graphic” and “disproportionate” and “indecent”.
Some kids were said to be traumatised. Eleven years old, remember.
It’s far from the first time. This is a growing trend in our benighted schools. Last summer parents complained about “Drag Queen Story Hour” being performed in schools and libraries in the south of England.
The aim, according to those pushing this horrible crap at our children, was to teach about “inclusivity”.
Totally inappropriate
A paper written by education scholar Harper Keenan and drag queen Lil Miss Hot, involved in organising DQSH in the US, tells a slightly different story, though.
It says DQSH is a way of introducing to young children “queer ways of knowing and being.”
Terrific. Listen, Loretta, or whatever your assumed name is, they don’t need that at the age of 11. OK?
Meanwhile, there was fury at a London school last year when nine-year-old kids were subjected to a “workshop” by drag artist “Dolly Trolley”.
GettyThe teachers complain about Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. And this is the stuff they’d prefer the children to soak up[/caption]
A poll on Mumsnet suggested 87 per cent of parents thought this was totally inappropriate.
But was Dolly Trolley as inappropriate as the performer they had for young kids in Scotland last year?
This was Flowjob (geddit?), a drag queen whose Twitter posts showed him simulating sex acts. Luvverly.
Christ, the teachers complain about Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. And this is the stuff they’d prefer the children to soak up.
All of this has sneaked in under the cover of the subject PSHE — Personal, Social Health and Economic Education.
I think the subject should be scrapped, full stop. It takes up an inordinate amount of time in the school curriculum and its influence is pernicious and disturbing.
It is effectively run by politically motivated groups such as the awful Stonewall, which now advises schools on what they should be teaching about transgenderism and “queerness”.
And there is little objection from within the teaching profession.
The more “liberal”, the better. They have become obsessive. Since the Government seems to have no intention of sorting this stuff out, we will have to do it ourselves.
To their great credit, some Muslim mums and dads have picketed schools which force liberal propaganda about sex education on their kids.
If it happens in your kids’ school, complain to the head and get other parents involved. And drop us a line here.
The only way we can stop this stuff is by protesting, long and hard. The majority is on our side.
I even took Rylan over Rishi’s boring Ireland Brexit deal
On the other side was a rerun of Up Late With Rylan. And I stayed with it!Rishi’s deal…. ‘mind-numbingly, soul-destroyingly and utterly f***ing boring’Getty
I KNOW this is irresponsible and bad of me.
But the main reason I’m delighted Rishi Sunak has done a deal with the EU over Northern Ireland ISN’T that we might now “get Brexit done”. And it isn’t that it helps the cause of peace in Northern Ireland.
The reason I’m pleased is that it is SO mind-numbingly, soul-destroyingly and utterly f***ing boring.
Every time the subject is reported I have to jab at myself with a kitchen knife to keep awake.
Yes, it’s so boring I actually self-harm. The other day they were talking about it on TV and I switched over.
On the other side was a rerun of Up Late With Rylan. And I stayed with it!
I would rather watch Rylan Clark than hear any more about the sodding Northern Ireland protocol!
So well done, Rishi, old son. Let’s move on and talk about something interesting.
To be Frank, Matt…
Hancock is truly the Frank Spencer of legislatorsWhatsapp messages Hancock handed to journalist Isabel Oakeshott detail his ineptitude during the Covid crisis. Especially with regard to care homesRex
THERE have been some dim politicians in our House of Commons.
Former education secretary Gavin Williamson, for example. Sopping-wet Tory Caroline Nokes. Then there’s the Labour List of Loons – Clive Lewis, Diane Abbott, Rebecca Wrong-Daily, or whatever she’s called.
But are any of them as thick as Matt Hancock? Doesn’t he win the prize for Densest Politician of the 21st century?
The Whatsapp messages he handed to journalist Isabel Oakeshott detail Hancock’s ineptitude during the Covid crisis. Especially with regard to care homes.
Hancock is truly the Frank Spencer of legislators.
Capable of shooting himself in the foot every moment of every day.
A NEW report has come out on face masks, and whether they’re any use or not.
It’s the biggest study of its kind, compiled by the respected Cochrane Library. It could not find a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of masks.
Tom Jefferson, the first author of the paper, asserted in an interview: “There is just no evidence that [masks] make any difference. Full stop.”
So for those of you still clinging to your masks – give it up, guys, huh? Especially when you’re by yourself, driving in a car. Then you look REALLY dumb.
I’m a bit light headed
AlamyThe Northern Lights have been seen across the country[/caption]
I WAS very excited at the chance to see the Northern Lights.
So at 10pm I piled my reluctant family into the car and drove up to the freezing, isolated, moor tops near our house.
And there it was. A glorious, ethereal, shimmering sky – all reds and greens and yellows.
My wife was less impressed.
“The trouble is, those lights aren’t in the north.
They’re in the south east. So it’s either the flare stacks on Teesside or someone’s been torching cars in Crook again. Can we go home now?”
THE Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow has been in the news. It stopped giving gas and air to women who were in labour. It has since revised its position – good.
But in a statement some drongo from the hospital trust said: “Our thanks go to everyone in the maternity and medical team for their professionalism and commitment to caring for women and birthing people at such a special time whilst the ongoing testing is completed.”
Um… who exactly are these “birthing people”?
Here’s a tip to help you with future deliveries. If someone is giving birth, it’s a woman.
Thanks a mill
PALuvvies and politicians fought to stop the Government deporting Jamaican criminal Ernesto Elliott back in 2020. They won and he went on to commit murder[/caption]
GettyThandiwe Newton was one of the ‘luvvies’ who fought to keep Elliott in the UK[/caption]
A WHOLE bunch of luvvies and politicians fought to stop the Government deporting Jamaican criminal Ernesto Elliott back in 2020. They got their way. And a few months later, Ernesto went right out and stabbed someone to death.
He’s now serving 26 years – in a UK prison, which will cost us more than a million quid.
How do you feel about that, you dingbat luvvies and witless MPs?
OK, maybe we can forgive airheads like Thandiwe Newton (OBE!) and Naomi Campbell, and third-rate academics such as David Olusoga.
But Sir Keir Starmer? In the run-up to a previous deportation flight, he signed another letter attacking the plans.
How about an apology, Sir Keir? A clear “I – we – got it completely wrong, I’m very sorry,” will do.
Plus a pledge to support the removal from our shores of criminals like Elliott if Labour wins the next election.
ON another one of his “please-leave-us-alone-we-want-privacy coast-to-coast TV interviews”, Prince Harry was asked for five words that describe the rest of his life.
He said: “Freedom, happiness, clarity, space and love.”
Isn’t that lovely? Good job he didn’t say “Frogmore Cottage”.
He’s just been kicked out of it by his dad. To make way for Prince Andrew!
What Harry should have replied was: “An IQ above room temperature.”