Post-mortem on baby’s remains found in search for Constance Marten’s two-month-old child to be held ‘in days’

A POST-MORTEM on a body found during the search for Constance Marten and her lover Mark Gordon’s newborn will be carried out “within days”.

Police yesterday discovered the remains of a baby in a wooded area in Brighton, near to where the pair were arrested on Monday.

FacebookConstance Marten who disappeared with her newborn baby[/caption]

Mark Gordon was arrested alongside partner Constance Marten on MondayPAPolice yesterday said body has been found in the search for the couple’s missing baby[/caption]

The couple was located on a residential street shortly before 9.30pm sparking an urgent hunt for the child.

Police had been desperately searching across 91-square miles of East Sussex for the missing baby.

Over 200 officers were spotted searching under cars and behind bins in Stanmer Villas and nearby Roedale Valley Allotments.

And yesterday Met Police Detective Superintendent Lewis Basford revealed that his team had discovered a body.

Formal identification of the body has not yet happened – but a post-mortem is due to take place.

According to the NHS, post-mortems should be carried out “as soon as possible”, usually within 2 to 3 working days of a person’s death.

And in some cases, it “may be possible for it to take place within 24 hours”.

Speaking at Sussex Police headquarters yesterday, Superintendent Basford told reporters: “It is my very sad duty to update this afternoon, police officers searching a wooded area close to where Constance and Mark Gordon were arrested, discovered the remains of a baby.

“A post mortem examination will be held in due course.

“A crime scene is in place and work at the location is expected to continue for some time.

“This is an outcome that myself and that many officers who have been part of this search had hoped would not happen.

“I recognise the impact this news will have on many people who have been following this story closely and can assure them that we will do everything we possibly can to establish what has happened.”

The couple remain in custody having been arrested on suspicion of child neglect and gross negligence manslaughter.

Marten and Gordon were reported missing after their car broke down near Bolton, Greater Manchester, on January 5.

Cops previously said the new mum had given birth in her car days before the pair fled.

It’s believed before they disappeared, Marten withdrew £15,000 of cash and the pair bought burner phones with multiple sim cards.

The pair ditched their burning car and a nationwide hunt for the three of them began.

They are believed to have spent time sleeping rough and travelling the country using cabs after being spotted buying camping equipment from an East London Argos on January 7.

Concerns grew for the missing aristocrat, 35, and her baby, as temperatures across the country plummeted.

Before they were found, the pair were last seen with their baby in Newhaven, East Sussex, on January 9.

CCTV captured images of the hooded pair dumping their child’s pram in the port town.