Oscar Pistorius could be free in WEEKS after serving half his sentence 10yrs on from shooting girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp

KILLER Paralympian Oscar Pistorius could be freed from jail in just weeks after serving half his sentence.

The former sprinter, 36, was convicted in 2014 of the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine’s Day a year earlier.

GettyOscar Pistorius was sentenced to 15 years for murder – and is up for parole[/caption]

Getty – ContributorReeva Steenkamp was shot dead in the early hours of Valentine’s Day in 2013[/caption]

Oscar Pistorius with Reeva in November 2012Rex

He killed model Reeva, 29, by firing four bullets through the locked door of the bathroom of his home in Pretoria – claiming he thought she was an intruder.

After a round of appeals and challenges, Pistorius – known worldwide as the “Blade Runner” because of his carbon-fibre prosthetics – was sentenced to 13 years for murder.

After serving half his sentence, a prison board will consider Pistorius for parole on March 31.

If his bid for freedom is approved, he’s expected to leave Atteridgeville prison in Pretoria on the same day or shortly after.

And the Paralympian is expected to lodge an appeal if his application for parole is refused.

Judges in South Africa previously admitted they failed to fully backdate his jail term to when he was first convicted.

It means 506 days he had already served were not included – and he is eligible for parole in March this year instead of late 2024.

Reeva’s parents, June and Barry, have objected to the killer’s release – but they have no power to block it.

As part of his rehabilitation, Pistorius met June and Barry last year.

Barry revealed the runner “wailed like a child” as he tried to explain his actions and refused to accept he was a murderer.

In South Africa, offenders are automatically eligible for parole consideration after serving half of their sentences.

Pistorius has served 10 years of his sentence – more than half.

A year before killing Reeva, Pistorius became the first double amputee to race at the Olympics at the London 2012 games.

He was initially sentenced to six years in jail – but the term was doubled after the state appealed it was too lenient.

Speaking to The Sun on the tenth anniversary of the killing last month, Reeva’s brother, Adam, said the athlete should not be allowed out of jail early and must serve his full term.

He also fears their family will never know the truth of what happened to Reeva when she was gunned down in 2013.

“I absolutely stand by his view that Oscar is unrepentant and obviously still does not take responsibility for the murder of my sister and that he should continue to serve his time,” he said.

Adam paid tribute to his “wonderful” sister, and said his family will “never come to terms” with her death.

“I miss her every day. What happened that morning ten years ago has had devastating consequences on everyone,” he said.