Music manager stabbed in the heart by thugs who stole his fake £300,000 luxury watch after leaving a restaurant

A MUSIC industry boss was stabbed to death for a fake luxury watch after he left an upmarket restaurant, a court heard.

Three robbers stole Emmanuel Odunlami’s Patek Philippe Nautilus believing it was the genuine article, the Old Bailey was told.

PAEmmanuel Odunlami was stabbed to death for a fake luxury watch after he left an upmarket restaurant, a court heard[/caption]

Security guard Kavindu Hettiarachchi, 30, spotted the timepiece — which cost up to £300,000 — and filmed Mr Odunlami wearing it outside the eatery in the City of London, it was claimed.

He tipped off his accomplices who “waited for their prey”, chasing, catching and beating the victim who was stabbed in the heart, it was said.

One took the watch during the assault “and was heard to say, ‘Got it’,” said prosecutor Duncan Atkinson, KC.

Hettiarachchi denies manslaughter.

Quincy Ffrench, 27, Jordell Menzies, 26, and Louis Vandrose, 27, admit robbery but deny murder.

Menzies, whose DNA was on the attack knife, admits manslaughter.

Antonios Kfoury, 21, a colleague of Hettiarachchi, denies perverting justice.

It is claimed he lied to police to cover for Hettiarachchi.

Trial continues at the Old Bailey