I’m a grandma and don’t wear a bra – people tell me to cover up but I don’t see the issue

PEOPLE may believe that the younger generation is more free-spirited but one woman proves that’s not true.

A grandma clapped back at critics who harassed her for not wearing a bra.

TikTok/heavenzmami73Tricia, a grandma, hates wearing bras and responded to critics who harassed her[/caption]

Tricia Lynn (@heavenzmami73), a grandmother and lifestyle content creator, reacted to judgemental critics in a video.

“I can see your nipples poking through your shirt,” one person said.

Tricia frowned, looking down at her chest in confusion.

The influencer didn’t seem to think there was a problem with that: “Okay?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

Not deterred, the critics tried again: “You should put a bra on,” they said.

“No,” she shot back plainly.

The persistent critic went for a third round: “Why not?”

The fiery grandma had rapid-fire responses for each objection.

“Is it a secret I have nipples?” Tricia snarked back at the person, adding the hashtag #itsnotasecret and #grandma to answer her own rhetorical question.

People were obsessed with her energy and took to the comments.

One viewer spammed her with flowers to show their support.

TikTok/heavenzmami73She said it’s ‘not a secret’ that she has nipples[/caption]