I make £50 an hour as a nude cleaner & it’s my favourite side hustle – you wouldn’t believe who has the cleanest homes

A NAKED cleaner who earns thousands buffing homes in her baby suit has revealed a dark secret about clients with the cleanest homes.

Lottie Rae charges £50-an-hour for her services and only started the job to earn a bit of extra cash.

SWNSLottie Rae charges £50-an-hour to clean clients’ homes naked[/caption]

SWNSThe Brit does it to earn a bit of cash on the side[/caption]

Since launching in October 2017 she admits it’s the best side hustle she’s ever done – allowing her to bank far more than when she flogged second-hand clothes.

The 32-year-old Brit said: “I’m always looking for ways to make extra money and I quite like being naked, so I though ‘okay, I’ll try it’.

“The first job I was booked for I didn’t end up going.

“I freaked myself out after looking at the house on Google Maps and seeing it backed onto woodland and I was supposed to be there in the evening.”

Lottie has had a range of clients since she first pulled on the marigolds: including nudists, older men and some blokes who just want a bit of company.

But there are always those who “hope for something more” and she admits she can spot the pervs a mile off.

The clothe-less cleaner revealed: “The people who are slightly creepier tend to have perfectly clean houses so it’s kind of an indicator.

“I’m clear I’m there just to clean but they’ll say that other cleaners have been strippers or given massages.”

Lottie said one seedy client switched porn on his TV as she arrived and she had to get out of there.

But other clients are perfectly innocent and friendly.

Lottie, who doesn’t want to reveal her real job, said: “One of my clients I cleaned for three time altogether, and his house was the dirtiest house I’ve ever come across in my life…

“Teeming with dirt and grime… But when I got there he didn’t want me to clean it at all.

“He wasn’t creepy or pervy, he just wanted some company.”

Another bloke – a nudist – even gets naked with her and they have a coffee before Lottie gets on with the house work.

Incredibly Lottie – who runs a blog about her unusual money-earner – doesn’t even wear gloves for most of her jobs despite knowing she should.

And in the six years she’s been spick and spanning starkers, she’s had partners who have been completely fine with her side-hustle.

Her friends and family know what she does too.

The cleaner added: “My current partner is sound with it which is refreshing as I know a lot of my friend’s partners wouldn’t be okay with it.”

SWNSLottie said one seedy client switched porn on his TV as she arrived and she had to get out of there[/caption]

SWNSIn the six years she’s been spick and spanning starkers, she’s had partners who have been completely fine with her side-hustle[/caption]

SWNSBut Lottie admits there are always those who ‘hope for something more’[/caption]