Good Morning Britain regular rushed to hospital in an ambulance after accident at London Underground

GOOD Morning Britain regular Iain Dale was raced to hospital after falling down a London Underground escalator.

The LBC presenter – who does early-morning commentary on the ITV show’s political stories – was whisked off by ambulance after the nasty accident at Charing Cross.

GMB regular Iain Dale rushed to hospital in an ambulance after an accident at London Underground

Iain, 60, broke his hip and has been forced to undergo an operation. He is now recovering from a hip replacement.

Revealing the accident to followers at the weekend, Iain wrote on Twitter: “Some news.

“This afternoon I tripped at the top of an escalator at Charing X Tube.

“I was taken by ambulance to St Thomas’s. I have a badly broken hip. Replacement op scheduled for Monday. Superb care from all here.

“Big shout out to the all female ambulance crew led by Nicole and Poppy who tended to me and got me out of the station.

“And to Reda, Maverick and the lovely London Undergroubd staff at Charing Cross. So impressive and caring.”

Updating followers yesterday, Iain added: “Had hip replacement & all is well!

“Went in at 8.45am & woke up at 12.

“Pain has disappeared. So happy & relieved! What a top hospital this is.

“So many nice messages from friends & complete strangers, it’s all a bit overwhelming!

“PS 5 hours after the op they’ve got me on my feet!”

He was visited by his on-screen partner Jacqui Smith in hospital after the op.

Former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui said: “He’s alive, he’s cheerful, he’s been standing up on his new hip. He’s v impressed by

“@GSTTnhs (but not the food). We talked about a few intimate details but no bed bath was administered!

“Please keep emailing/messaging as he’ll be unbearable if he gets bored. Love you Iain Dale.”

Iain with his fellow GMB panellist Jacqui Smith