Eddie Izzard reveals new name saying she’s wanted to be called it since she was ten years old

EDDIE Izzard has revealed her new name – admitting she has wanted to be called the moniker since the age of 10.

The comedian and former political candidate, 61, has been openly transgender since 1985 and three years ago, told how she wanted to be “based in girl mode.”

GettyEddie Izzard has revealed she will soon go by the name Suzy[/caption]

GettyThe comedian, 61, adopted she/her pronouns in 2020[/caption]

At the time, Eddie was dubbed a “trailblazer” by fans after being asked to be called “she” and “her” during a TV show.

During the programme, Eddie asked if the pronouns “she” and “her” could be used to describe her, confirming that she was “gender fluid.”

Now she has revealed her new chosen name.

At a recording of The Political Party podcast this week, she said: “I’m gonna be Suzy Eddie Izzard.

“I’ll put Suzy there and then Eddie and then people can choose what they want and no one can go wrong!”

They added: “I’ve wanted to be S, U, Z, Y since I was 10.

“That’s how I’m gonna roll so people can choose what they want, they can’t make a mistake, they can’t go wrong.”

Eddie, then referencing mistakes in mis-gendering, then confessed: “I make mistakes with my own pronouns.”

She continued to address her career and political ambitions, after failing to be selected as Labour’s parliamentary candidate in Sheffield Central in 2022.

She added: “I will keep going until I get in.”

Back in 2019, Eddie requested to be described as ‘she’ while receiving an honorary degree at Swansea University.

The press release from the ceremony described Eddie using female pronouns with a university spokesman clarifying: “We were asked by Eddie to use her/she pronouns.”

PAEddie has been openly transgender since 1985[/caption]

Getty Images – GettyAt a podcast launch this week, she said ‘I’m gonna be Suzy Eddie Izzard’[/caption]

SplashEddie told how she had craved the name since the age of 10[/caption]